The headlines read $250,000 first year income potential. Type in almost any keyword about making money online or a homebased business and you will have two, three or more of these "carbon copy" ads to choose from. What is Carbon Copy Pro? Who is Jay Kubassek?
Carbon Copy ProJay is currently part of the executive committee of Wealth Masters International. He has had internet success in the last three years and has established Carbon Copy Pro as "the" system to automate wealth generation online. Basically, the Carbon Copy Pro system acts as a funnel to generate leads into Wealth Masters International. While this company has some marketing power and name recognition, with a base sticker price of $1995 - $19995 the average person will not become a part of this opportunity.
Jay's attempt to create a system that eliminates the human touch is admirable. My opinion is you will always need some follow up as you build your business. While systems are essential to create wealth online, recognize that any successful entrepreneur has achieved success by obtaining knowledge, applying hard work, determination and most importantly a servants heart towards people who are a part of your business.
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